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Afropan's Upcoming Events



Afropan's Annual Events


Blocko Music Festivals
Pan Kaiso & Jazz - July 23rd, 2023
Annual BIG Blocko - July 30th, 2023
Afropan Whiteout - August 3rd, 2023

Essentially these are FREE outdoor performances held by the band at our panyard during the summer season.  People are welcome to come and enjoy some live music, while eating some delicious food, all in a safe family friendly atmosphere. Afropan always has at least two of these special events during the summer season.


Pan Alive
Steelpan Competition - August 4th, 2023

The Pan Alive Competition is held every summer at Lamport Stadium on the Friday night before the Scotiabank Toronto International Carnival Parade (Formerly known as Caribana).  Organized and run by The Ontario Steelpan Association, this event sees the top Steelbands in Ontario compete for the title of Pan Alive Champions before a panel of judges and enthusiastic fans.  Afropan is proud to have won this competition 28 times.

Toronto Caribbean Carnival
Parade - August 5th, 2023

Formerly known as Caribana, this parade takes place every summer on the Saturday of the Simcoe Long weekend in Toronto.  And of course, Afropan is always there to greet the crowds on Lakeshore with the sweet sounds of steel.  Both Players and Official Supporters are provided with free food and drinks on the road.  So make sure to sign up for membership if you want to chip down the road with us.

Snowflakes on Steel
Steelpan Concert - TBD 2024 

Snowflakes is an annual concert held every January and put on by The PAN Arts Network.  Here you will see Afropan, along with some of the other top bands in the city put on concert performances containing music of all genres, including Calypso, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Funk, R&B, and Gospel.  A fun evening of Pan where you are bound to hear something you may never had expected to hear on pan.

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